Our Dedicated TEAM : Our Greatest Asset

Experience You Can Count On

Our ability to exceed clients' expectations begins with the experienced team assigned to serve your building and facility needs. And that is just the beginning. In the field and behind the scenes, you get a collaboration of skilled craftsman, experienced technicians, conscientious workers, dedicated supervisors, and meticulous project managers to see through every aspect of what needs to be done.

Our management team is committed to excellence so that you can build, expand and grow with confidence each and every time with us on YOUR team. SIPL takes pride in the fact that a majority of our team have been with us for years. We take care of our people so they can totally focus on taking care of you.

Right now we have a team of over 1500 peoples that include  Engineers specializing in distinctly identified functions like marketing, planning, engineering, production, quality assurance, project management, procurement, safety after sales service . We have other skilled workmen include site supervisors, safety supervisors, computer operator, technician, mechanic, forman, store keeper, watchman, drivers, operators and accountants who are dedicated to the works assigned to them.


Employee Graph